We have to thank the American Dan Savage, a well-known writer and columnist, for the term “toliamoria”.
It was he who proposed this neologism, formed from two words – tolerance and polyamory.
Toliamoria refers to non-monogamous relationships in which partners give each other consent to intimate relationships with other people.

Toliamorous relationships should not be confused with open ones, since in this case the couple prefers not to discuss their desires and does not set boundaries of what is permitted.
It is worth explaining why a man or woman silently accepts the affairs of their other half.
There are actually quite a few reasons, but the main one is that people don't want their relationship to fall apart.
Some people may think that absolutely all people cheat, and therefore do not want to change anything, because in a new relationship (as they think) the same thing will await them.
Others prefer to leave things as they are because they are dependent on their partner, for example financially or in some other way.
There are also those who agree to turn a blind eye to cheating due to fear of losing their position in society - they are convinced that the status of “in a relationship” is better than the label “single”.
Finally, sometimes men or women do not want intimacy with their partner and are content with him/her taking care of his/her needs elsewhere.