How to ask a man for gifts without looking materialistic in his eyes: tips that will be useful to any woman

29.01.2025 18:28

If you have never received something truly desired and pleasant from a man, it is time to change this. How? It is enough to learn how to ask for gifts correctly.

If you think that such behavior does not make a girl look good, well, then you will have to continue to feel shy surrounded by unnecessary gifts (or without them at all).

Well, if you were able to cope with the feeling of awkwardness, then before you demand a present from your loved one, find out exactly how to do it.

1. Let's start with the fact that you should only make such a request to those people who really care about you. In other cases, such an appeal from you will look at least inappropriate.

2. But even if you decide to talk about this topic with a person whose love you are sure of, soberly assess his capabilities.

Photo: © Belnovosti

If your partner is having a hard time finding money to rent an apartment, don't ask them for a car - learn to enjoy simple things like a box of chocolates or a cup of coffee.

Gradually, it will be possible to move from small things to larger ones, but with a reservation regarding the lifestyle of the donor.

3. But that's not all: you should be sincerely grateful to your man. And the gratitude should be the one he expects.

Let's explain with an example: some people like it when someone flirts with them, while others simply dream of seeing a child's delight in response to a gift.

If you do not give him reciprocal emotions, then do not count on gifts too much - the man’s desire to fulfill your whims will quickly disappear.

4. Another important point: no matter how much you want to become the owner of some thing, never press on guilt, trying to get it. No one likes reproaches, hysterics and insults. And also comparisons with other men - it is unlikely that your partner will appreciate such behavior.

5. And finally: no need for hints. Voice your desires in words - no one alive today is able to read minds.

Elena Shimanovskaya Author: Elena Shimanovskaya Editor of Internet resources