If you suspect that your partner is being unfaithful to you, the best thing you can do in this situation is to sit down and have a direct conversation with him.
If during the conversation you were unable to dot all the i’s, observe your partner’s behavior.
These signs indicate that your intuition is not failing you.

So, you should be wary if your loved one stops leaving his phone in your field of vision.
No one says that a man is obliged to give you the password to his mobile device and report on every incoming and outgoing call, but he should not hide his phone either.
An alarm bell – and sudden changes in the partner’s image.
New perfume or clothes, going to the gym, changing cars – all this indicates that a man is trying to look good in front of another woman.
It’s also worth thinking about if your chosen one’s schedule increasingly includes business trips or unplanned meetings with friends.
If he never worked late, but now he has started staying late at the office and even going to work on weekends, this may indicate that his time now belongs to someone else.
Check what your partner spends money on - perhaps the expense category has been expanded to include the item "mistress".
Well, the last sign is ridiculous arguments.
In response to questions, the cheater will come up with strange excuses or try to change the subject, and in some cases will even use attacks against you. All this suggests that your fears are not in vain.