These 7 Family Myths Are Ruining the Lives of Entire Generations

20.06.2024 13:15

Experienced people do not only become experienced through trial and error. Some individuals refuse numerous experiments and unnecessary actions.

They willingly use advice from relatives and friends. But is it right?

Often people follow valuable advice automatically. They are too lazy to stop and think whether it is worth paying attention to other people's words. Let's destroy 7 myths about family.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Divorce is unacceptable. Marriage is made in heaven, it is sacred!

All girls are given similar instructions. Boys are luckier - they are under less pressure from persistent relatives.

They offer young men to have fun, enjoy variety, gain experience. When they get tired of the wild lifestyle, they will start a family.

But what is the real situation? Many unhappy spouses become roommates. They can hardly be called husband and wife. Not the best outcome, right?

These couples are afraid of divorce, so they endure with all their might. Such prejudices must be eradicated! Every person wants to be happy. You shouldn't sacrifice yourself because of stupid fear.

When spouses become strangers to each other, they have nothing to lose.

The husband's job is to earn money, the wife's job is to keep the family hearth

Other options are deviations from the norm.

Wait! Things are different now than they were 100 years ago. Not every marriage is patriarchal.

Most of the fair sex work as hard as self-respecting men.

If so, why can't a woman ask her other half to help her with household chores? For example, to wash dirty dishes after herself, wipe the dust or make the bed? Is it really that hard to do?

Hardworking ladies are used to pampering their chosen ones. That's why they have to carry everything on themselves. And selfish men relax, sit on the poor things' necks.

Mutual assistance must certainly be present in relationships in order to preserve them.

Having children when you're young is not a good idea.

The whole problem is in the material side. Young, uneducated, unemployed parents have nothing to support a newborn child with.

Young people shamelessly push their children off on their parents. Not the most pleasant situation.

16-year-old girls are not yet ready for motherhood. That is why their pregnancies are often unplanned. But this is only one side of the coin.

And here is the second: because of the strictness of parents, the fates of many young girls are broken. Mothers take their pregnant daughters to have an abortion.

Adult women believe that it is shameful to give birth to a baby at a young age. A little person will put an end to the career and happiness of the daughter.

But nothing disgraces a girl more than killing her unborn child. It will be very difficult for her to live with this sin.

If the girl gets pregnant, the guy will have to marry her

The opposite situation is that you need to save both the child and the relationship. The elders give such advice for a reason. They care about the expectant mother and her baby.

In such a situation, the wishes of the child's father are irrelevant. The guy is ready to marry literally without his consent. He has no choice but to submit to the will of his totalitarian relatives.

Unfortunately, “short-term” marriages often turn out to be unsuccessful. If the partners are connected only by a common child, then they have nothing to count on. They will soon get tired of each other and get divorced.

A man has the right to relax with friends in a garage, a bathhouse, a bar. A woman has no such privileges.

For some reason, men think that they have the right to forbid their chosen ones to communicate with friends and have fun. It is impossible to lock an adult woman within 4 walls for life.

An adult personality needs cultural outlets. So why shouldn't representatives of the fairer sex go to museums and theaters with their friends?

By the way, it is advisable to go to such events together. It is not advisable for men to drink alcohol every weekend and disappear from dawn to dusk fishing with their slacker friends.

Women are sociable creatures. They cannot be locked up 24 hours a day. They need to go shopping with their girlfriends and sit with them in cafes.

Without cheerful conversations with her own kind, any lady will wither away. A caring husband should understand this.

The husband's father and mother must be honored

Respect and communication are two different concepts. For example, you can respect your father-in-law and mother-in-law, but not maintain a relationship with them. Especially if they don’t like you.

The conflict between mothers-in-law and daughters-in-law is as old as the world. In such a situation, it is better to remain neutral. Your husband should not force you to communicate with his parents, this is wrong.

But if you come across such a stubborn and dictator, run away from him! He will not calm down and will continue to crush you. Feud with his family will turn your union into a difficult test!

A young family should not live with their parents

But not everything is so hopeless. Perhaps your chosen one's parents will love you with all their hearts and accept you as their own daughter.

Then you will be happy to live in a large and friendly family. And with the birth of your children, this family will become even larger.

Perhaps you and your spouse will settle in your parents' house. Ask your father and mother to welcome your son-in-law. It is in your power to help them find a common language and become friends.

Previously, 3 female flaws that men like were named.

Sergey Tumanov Author: Sergey Tumanov Internet resource editor

  1. Divorce is unacceptable. Marriage is made in heaven, it is sacred!
  2. The husband's job is to earn money, the wife's job is to keep the family hearth
  3. Having children when you're young is not a good idea.
  4. If the girl gets pregnant, the guy will have to marry her
  5. A man has the right to relax with friends in a garage, a bathhouse, a bar. A woman has no such privileges.
  6. The husband's father and mother must be honored
  7. A young family should not live with their parents

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