5 Phrases That Will Help You Make Up After a Fight

14.06.2024 19:00

No relationship can exist without quarrels and conflicts.

Moreover, conflicts help to deepen our relationships and take them to a new level.

The main thing is to go through these very conflicts correctly and ecologically. And now we will consider phrases that will help to benefit from a quarrel, and not destroy the relationship, says Ksenia Matura .

1. "Our relationship is very important to me, and I am ready to make every effort to make it strong and healthy. Let's talk about what worries and irritates us, and together we will try to find a solution."

A phrase that will bring you closer and show your partner that he/she is important to you and you are ready to find a joint solution to the issue. In any situation, especially in a conflict situation, it is important to feel your importance and tell your partner about your feelings.

Photo: Pixabay

2. "I'm sorry if I said something offensive. I didn't mean to hurt you."

This phrase means that you did not want to offend the person, did not want to hurt him (unless, of course, you really did not want to). It is important to understand that any person has the right to any feelings and reactions regarding your phrases and actions.

He can understand them in his own way and react emotionally. We all live in our own patterns and stereotypes, and also have habitual reactions.

And not always the other person means what we hear, not always he wants to evoke certain emotions in us. The best option is to clarify what he means.

3. "Your point of view is important to me, and I am ready to listen to you. You can tell me about your feelings, and we will try to find a way out of our situation."

This phrase is similar to the first one, but has one important difference - with this phrase you tell the person that you hear him and respect his opinion. In any conflict and any quarrel, we often forget that there is another person and his opinion, different from ours. But we want to achieve our own, we consider ourselves right and do not hear the other.

4. "We may both be wrong. Let's give each other a chance to speak out and find a common solution."

With this phrase, you make it clear that you both may be wrong, but at the same time you want to understand the situation and find a compromise.

5. "Forgive me. I was wrong." A very simple phrase, but quite often our ego does not allow us to admit our guilt and ask for forgiveness. Often we stand our ground to the last, even if we understand that we are wrong. Think about what is more important to you - relationships or being right.

Earlier we listed the phrases that men want to hear from their beloved women.

Valeria Kisternaya Author: Valeria Kisternaya Internet resource editor

Beautiful (Sysoeva) Ksenia Expert: Beautiful (Sysoeva) Ksenia