Why you shouldn't waste time on long correspondence with a man: experts named 3 reasons

12.03.2024 10:15

Quite a few women make a serious mistake already at the dating stage: they spend an unacceptably large amount of time on correspondence with a potential suitor.

But you shouldn't do that.

Experts recommend first scheduling a personal meeting and only then drawing conclusions.

Photo: Pixabay

Why You Shouldn't Waste Time on Long Correspondence

This could be a virtual romance

Some men are not completely honest with women: they may hide their marriage or serious relationship. In correspondence, they simply compensate for what they lack in real life.

However, such men may never set up a real date, preferring to correspond.

The correspondence says nothing about the man himself.

Some people think that long correspondence will help them get to know a person better. Of course, this is a misconception. If a person wants to deceive you, he will always find a way to do it.

The easiest way to deceive is through virtual communication.

You are just wasting your time on illusions.

A man who is interested in a real relationship will not waste time on correspondence. A real date will help to evaluate a potential partner at his true worth.

Therefore, try to schedule a meeting after a couple of days of correspondence.

Previously, we talked about why you shouldn’t start a new relationship immediately after a divorce .

Marina Michalap Author: Marina Michalap Internet resource editor

  1. Why You Shouldn't Waste Time on Long Correspondence
  2. This could be a virtual romance
  3. The correspondence says nothing about the man himself.
  4. You are just wasting your time on illusions.

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