A man "asks to visit" on the first date: how to properly respond to such behavior

01.02.2024 11:07

Some girls regretfully note that some men lack a sense of tact: they can literally ask to come over for a first date.

In most cases, ladies find this proposal irritating.

Why does a man behave like this?

He has no money

It is clear that the availability of funds is not a determining factor when choosing a man. But if the admirer is in such a difficult financial situation at the moment, then it is worth focusing on solving problems, and not on dating.

With such a proposal you can push away a decent girl with whom you could have a strong relationship.


Sometimes a man has money, but he does not want to spend it on women. Such men believe that a meeting on the girl's territory will be just the perfect option.

Photo: Pixabay

Not only will you not have to spend money on catering establishments, but you will even have the opportunity to claim the woman’s food.

He immediately shows his limited interest.

It is worth understanding that a serious man will never arrange meetings on your territory at the initial stage of acquaintance.

This attitude shows that he is not going to please you or surprise you. By this logic, you should simply be grateful to him for his presence in your life.

Should you agree to such offers?

If you haven't given up on yourself, then such ideas should be rejected and you should continue searching for a more worthy candidate, experts say.

If you accept the offer, you are literally screaming about your desperate situation.

Why You Shouldn't Agree to Meet at Your Home

In general, there is a rule: meetings should take place either at the man's home or on neutral territory. It should not be broken.

Often, married men "beg" to visit, but they cannot invite you to their place for objective reasons. Also, such admirers have "financial reporting" to their spouse, so he will not be able to find an explanation for his expenses.

Earlier we talked about the shortcomings in men’s behavior that irritate girls .

Marina Michalap Author: Marina Michalap Internet resource editor

  1. Why does a man behave like this?
  2. He has no money
  3. Greed
  4. He immediately shows his limited interest.
  5. Should you agree to such offers?
  6. Why You Shouldn't Agree to Meet at Your Home