The first date can be a source of serious disappointment: not all men behave as befits well-mannered people and gentlemen.
Since you don't know what type of person your new acquaintance is, you need to take certain precautions.
What 3 rules will help ensure your safety
Do not leave drinks unattended
If you have chosen a place where drinks are served for your first meeting, this may seem like a good idea. The interlocutors should be relaxed, which will allow them to build a good dialogue.

But don't leave your drinks unattended. Some people may slip in various drugs to make the girl more "compliant".
You shouldn't agree to let a new acquaintance drive you to the meeting place. You don't know what's on the person's mind. An adequate man will really just drive you to the cafe and help you get home.
But not all men are so well-mannered.
In a car with a stranger you will feel completely defenseless. Therefore, experts recommend using a taxi or getting to the meeting place by public transport.
"Guests" are also banned
It is unlikely that a well-mannered man with serious intentions will choose his own home for the first meeting with you. This means that he is counting on a quick rapprochement and does not want to spend money.
If a potential suitor is asking you to come over, you should refuse to meet him.
Earlier we talked about why a man disappears after the first date .