Why a man disappeared after the first date: experts named the main reason

01.11.2023 20:55

In most cases, women prepare especially carefully for the first date with the man they like, as this is an important moment in life.

If you fail to make the right impression, the man's interest will fade.

So we eagerly await a call or message after a meeting has taken place. However, the "feedback" does not always occur.

Photo: Pixabay

Why a man doesn't call or let you know about himself after the first date

Experts note that there is actually only one reason: this man did not like you. It is extremely difficult to come to terms with this answer, so some women begin to come up with a thousand excuses for why a potential admirer is not more active.

However, it is worth understanding that if there is interest and sympathy, a man will be able to write to you even if he is “overwhelmed” at work, has problems at home, or is ill.

But there is no need to be upset about this: there are still many men in the world who will definitely like you. Therefore, there is no point in wasting time looking for excuses for a person and empty expectations.

Marina Michalap Author: Marina Michalap Internet resource editor

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