Psychologist Daria Dolzhenko told how to establish contact with your mother-in-law

23.08.2023 21:13

Dear readers, today I would like to talk to you about a topic that can cause mixed feelings in many women - "How to establish contact with your mother-in-law?"

Psychologist Daria Dolzhenko told how to establish contact with your mother-in-law.

Meeting a future or current mother-in-law can be both a temptation and an opportunity to develop a harmonious and trusting relationship.

Let's figure out what practical and effective tips will help you establish quality contact with your mother-in-law.

1. Show respect and attention. The mother-in-law is a person who occupies an important place in your partner's life. Show her respect and attention, show interest in her life and opinions.

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Photo: Pixabay

Ask questions, listen carefully, and take her advice into account. Remember that even if you have different views, you can find common interests and points of contact.

2. Don't compare yourself to previous daughters-in-law. Every woman is unique, and there is no point in comparing yourself to previous daughters-in-law.

Remember that you are a valuable person and you have many qualities that you can bring to the family. Focus on your strengths and strive to develop in family relationships.

3. Find common interests and topics to discuss. Try to find common interests or topics that you and your mother-in-law can connect on.

It could be a favorite hobby, cooking recipes, or even discussing the news. Talking about such topics will help you establish a closer and more trusting contact.

4. Be sincere and open. It is important to be sincere and open in your relationship with your mother-in-law. Acknowledge your feelings and emotions, but also learn to accept and understand hers. Be prepared for open and mutual communication, share your successes and difficulties.

5. Set boundaries. It is important to set healthy boundaries in your relationship with your mother-in-law. Remember that you have the right to your independence and personal space. Be clear and assertive about your boundaries, but do so with respect and kindness.

So, dear readers, establishing contact with your mother-in-law is an opportunity to develop harmonious and trusting relationships.

Remember that mutual respect, attention and openness are the foundation for successful communication. Follow the practical and effective tips I have offered above, and you will definitely be able to establish contact with your mother-in-law.

However, things don't always go smoothly the first time. If you're having trouble with your mother-in-law, don't despair. Instead, try the following strategies.

6. Put yourself in your mother-in-law's shoes. Try to understand what could be the reasons for her behavior or attitude towards you. Maybe she is simply protecting her son or is afraid of losing his attention and love.

By putting yourself in her shoes, you can better understand her reactions and find ways to improve communication.

7. Ask your partner for help. Your partner is the link between you and his mother.

Talk to him openly about your feelings and the difficulties you are facing. Together, you can find ways to support each other and establish more harmonious relationships in the family.

8. Don't forget about self-respect. It is important to remember that you deserve respect and love. If the relationship with your mother-in-law becomes toxic or negative, do not hesitate to protect your boundaries and maintain your self-respect.

Sometimes it may be necessary to stand up for your rights and refuse unwanted communication in order to maintain your psychological and emotional well-being.

9. Seek professional help. If you are facing serious problems in your relationship with your mother-in-law and cannot cope on your own, do not hesitate to seek help from a psychologist or family counselor.

They can provide you with customized tools and strategies to improve your situation and build rapport with your mother-in-law.

No matter how difficult the relationship with your mother-in-law may be, remember that it is important to remain empathetic, patient, and open to the possibility of change. Never lose hope that the relationship can get better.

And remember, ultimately your goal is to create a harmonious and loving family in which each member feels respected and valued.

So, dear readers, follow these tips, be patient and open, and you will definitely be able to establish contact with your mother-in-law.

And remember that quality relationships require time, effort, and mutual understanding. Good luck on this path to harmony and mutual understanding!

Valeria Kisternaya Author: Valeria Kisternaya Internet resource editor