How to forget your beloved man

30.06.2023 20:15

If a man is loved, then it will not be possible to forget him completely. Only temporarily with substitution "therapy". Therefore, further we can only talk about half measures and conditional advice.

The only practice that works well is distraction, says psychologist Andrei Kashkarov .

As they say, "to avoid thinking badly about people, it's better not to think about them at all" - this universal rule works almost always. But it is mainly men who use it. Because another maxim is also justified: a man seeks something new, and a woman the best.

Therefore, a man must forget a woman, and a woman must not let herself be forgotten. But in order to forget a beloved man, in accordance with what was said above, only a replacement of his participation, temporary or permanent, is really suitable, that is, conclusions made empirically and in comparison.

Work also helps with this: the more of it, the better. But alcohol does not help at all. Moreover, such practice often has the opposite effect - you just want to tell him something, write, call him when you are apart. But since such attempts will be infrequent, and your beloved man is not a Pithecanthropus, he will quickly understand their background and identify them quite correctly - as the reason for your alcohol intake.

Photo: Pixabay

Communicate more in new places, in companies. Sometimes (but not always) such communication temporarily saves. Lead an active lifestyle: go on trips, explore the world, enroll in correspondence courses, go to your friends' birthdays - all this is to expand your social circle and, perhaps, find new love there. However, I will repeat once again that if the man was unusual and beloved, then you will not find a replacement in such simple ways.

There is an almost universal method of psychological therapy – bibliotherapy. This is when you actively read books on any medium. Books chosen by you according to the meaning and desire.

A new plot, if it is masterfully written and offered to you by an artist of words, can captivate. And a good author can make you empathize with the characters. Yes, this is a somewhat artificial way of escaping reality, but in combination with other attempts to temporarily smooth out the pain of separation.

Write a book or a story yourself. There is a simple meaning and benefit in this. Your experiences are relevant as long as they function cyclically in you, in your head, in your brain, and thus do not let you go.

Therefore, if you, having once gathered yourself, frankly lay all this out on paper or on a personal computer, having recorded all impressions with the help of such a method as "automatic writing", then the impressions will come out, and yes, it will become much easier for you. The main thing is to write earnestly, frankly, vividly, figuratively and honestly, calling things by their proper names.

Against this background, “grandmother’s recipes” such as getting rid of photographs of a loved one or, even worse, stabbing the images with a pin, are not worth considering at all, both because it is stupid and because it is an anachronism of the era.

If all that has been said does not help, you need to think about whether to bring him back with the power of thought and action, which are so accessible to you, because if the relationship has ended, it can also begin again.

Belnovosti Author: Belnovosti Editing of the Internet portal