Psychologist Andrey Kashkarov clarified what attracts men

28.06.2023 20:20

There are no such obligatory concepts and definitions of what exactly attracts men, because men are different.

For each man, it makes sense to create a specific set of characteristics or definitions, says psychologist Andrei Kashkarov .

But there are also general markers that are worth paying attention to.

The phrase that “men love with their eyes” has not lost its semantic relevance since the creation of the world.

We are talking about female beauty, the harmony of the build. But let us not forget that forms, as features of female beauty, are not frozen, forever given, they change over time, sometimes – over centuries – cyclically. That is, the “male fashion” for curvy female forms, conventionally prevailing in Russia in the 18th century, may well return; in addition, this is always a matter of preference for a particular man. “One likes watermelon, and another – pork cartilage.”

Photo: Pixabay

Tactile desires - to touch are also characteristic of men. They are very exciting with their response. This is a common and typical male principle. That is why it is not easy to burn with a long, prolonged passion - like Don Quixote of La Mancha to Dulcinea at a distance - in modern realities.

Men are also attracted to gastronomic talents. The male stomach, no matter how "experienced" or even "tinned" from significant doses of alcohol and "raw" food, is also a conditional organ of hidden control of a man. In this field, it can also be influenced, and there are good chances.

The typical man is also attracted by danger. Carlos Castaneda was right in this sense: whether a man fights or drinks away from his beloved woman, he – a warrior and a drunkard – does everything intuitively. A man strives to dominate, to subjugate the commodity world, thus changing it. This active role is written in the most conventional code of a man’s life meaning.

By creating such conditions for the manifestation of feelings, a woman can win in a social competition with others. Here you need to subtly feel the situation, the moment and - what is extremely important - study your man in advance. For one is interested in competition with others, and another scribbles poetry alone in order to sing them as a serenade in front of her windows in the morning. Therefore, there is no single recipe.

There is an interesting proverb in the Chechen epic: every man is either a wolf or a sheep. The same is true for men. Not everyone will work as a cook, but there are not many James Bonds – agents 007 in the world. Basically, the typical man is something between a pirate and a minstrel.

Men are attracted to what they lack. This works both typically and individually. It is not only about the external beauty of women, but also about mental abilities. The development of creative thinking in a certain area, erudition and even this can be a "management talent".

Some people are attracted to women with character, those who can "stop a galloping horse", others are attracted to Amazon types and conquerors of the Wild West. It is very important to correctly and accurately determine the details, and to do this, do not be lazy in studying the man.

In fact, there are still some extremely interesting specimens in the world, something "non plus ultra", and here we come to the biggest female mistake, in the words of a man. The word "come across" or "came across" so accurately characterizing the hunt for a man, as in Theodore Dreiser, is fundamentally wrong.

A typical modern man is not a Pithecanthropus and feels it well. They are not caught, they are conquered in the modern world in the same way as women, just by other, softer and more camouflaged methods, but to be successful in this matter, you must know this man, the maximum of his qualities, preferences, desires and behavioral reactions to events. That is, success and results do not happen without preliminary detailed observation.

Belnovosti Author: Belnovosti Editing of the Internet portal