Psychologist Stanislav Sambursky spoke about the Don Quixote complex in men

08.04.2023 20:58

The knight errant in Miguel de Cervantes' novel one day came to the conclusion that he urgently needed a woman to fall in love with, since Don Quixote without love was like a tree without leaves.

Later in psychology, a concept emerged – a man with a Don Quixote complex, explains clinical psychologist of the “Clinic of Dr. Anikina”, author of the Zen channel “Ecological Psychologist” Stanislav Sambursky .

The affair with the "knight" is swift. The "noble" man amazes the lady with his persistence and beautiful speeches. Then he disappears in an instant and after a while appears again, not forgetting to plausibly justify his absence.

At this point, the woman experiences a range of inspired feelings. She is happy and amazed that she was the one who got this unseen treasure. But the euphoria comes to an end, because he leaves again. The innocent victim falls into frustration, anxiety and agonizing anticipation of the call.

The Don Quixote complex is characterized by the fact that a man needs emotional outbursts, energy and passion in a relationship. He does not tolerate infringement of freedom and demands complete submission from a woman.

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At this point, the tender heart suffers from uncertainty about its feelings and future actions. The woman needs a minimal plan for the future, and when she starts talking about this topic, decides to express claims and her own opinion - "Don Quixote" evaporates. Only pleasant memories and a broken heart remain from him.

He does not tolerate shortcomings. He needs a submissive and beautiful muse who will always agree with him, praise him and give him love. But if she shows character, declares dissatisfaction and disagrees, then the myth of her perfection ceases to exist. An earthly person does not entice him. The "Knight" leaves to find someone who will envelop him in euphoria again.

The man has drawn a non-existent ideal of a woman in his imagination and turned it into a fetish. He is afraid of attachment between people, responsibility and deviation from the fictitious standard.

The imaginary world is beautiful and gives only positive emotions, while the real one is frightening. Following this scenario provokes additive behavior: after breaking up with an imperfect partner, he instantly falls in love with a new muse, puts her on a pedestal and makes her the center of erotic fantasies. But after a while, the illusory perception collapses again.

And so on in a circle, again and again. A person strives to find a new source of endorphin, the key resource of which is falling in love. In order not to fall into such an addiction, it is necessary to provoke the release of endorphin in other ways: sports, cultural events, travel, etc.

In addition to endorphin addiction, a man with the Don Quixote complex has pronounced infantilism. Infantile personalities are irresponsible, do not think about the needs, feelings and desires of other people and, as a result, are selfish.

It is worth noting that married men who do not boast about searching for submissive muses, and who do not think about divorce, often suffer from this complex.

Belnovosti Author: Belnovosti Editing of the Internet portal