10 Phrases That Are Not in the Vocabulary of a Smart Woman

25.03.2023 00:30
Updated: 14.04.2023 20:49

Think you're a smart person? Then eliminate these stupid phrases from your vocabulary!

Often we say things unconsciously. We don't even think about how other people feel about our words.

On top of that, we hope that what we say will help us seem smart and wise. But it turns out differently. What 10 phrases make us – women – stupid in the eyes of others?

Phrase 1 “Maybe I said something stupid, but…”

You yourself make it clear to your surroundings that you are talking complete nonsense and nonsense. People will decide that you, being an incompetent person, are taking on a specific issue that requires relevant knowledge. Why are you putting yourself in an awkward position?

Alternative option

Photo: Pixabay

Say this: “I can’t say that I’m completely sure, but I know one thing for sure…”

Phrase 2: “Everything I have is entirely my merit!”

By saying these words, you emphasize your importance. But this is akin to empty bragging. No matter how much you praise yourself, the fact remains that you have achieved great success thanks to the help of those around you. Do not attribute all the merits to yourself, otherwise you will offend good people.

Alternative option

Answer like this: “I would not have been able to reach the top if A had not believed in me, and B had not given me invaluable support!”

Phrase 3: "This impudent fellow doesn't deserve you!"

You say this phrase because you want to calm your girlfriend down. However, she doesn't perceive your consolations the way you would like. In what you say to her, you hear this: "You still haven't learned to understand men, which is why you tied your fate to a mean and impudent guy."

Alternative option

Express your opinion differently: “He will regret that he missed out on such a decent and loving woman like you!”

Phrase 4: “You’re so fresh and cheerful! You can’t tell that you’re so old!”

Do you think that a person would be pleased to hear this? No way! Your friend or acquaintance sees in your "compliment" this: "You are an elderly corgi, but you still look young!"

Alternative option

Why don't you tell her roughly the same thing, but without mentioning her age? Here's the final version: "You're an attractive and well-groomed lady. Keep it up!"

Phrase 5: “But I told you that everything would turn out like this!”

No one will like your caustic remarks and reminders of the mistakes you made. Know that your interlocutors will definitely notice your tactlessness. And no one will call you far-sighted and insightful after that. Do you know why?

Because you are telling people in plain text that they are incorrigible fools!

Alternative option

Comfort your interlocutor by focusing on future events: “You won’t make this mistake a second time. Everything will be fine.”

Phrase 6: “I feel so sorry for you, I’ve faced a similar problem myself!”

Well, do you look like a telepath or a clairvoyant? That's it! That means you won't be able to understand what's going on in the souls of your interlocutors.

Don't say these words so as not to belittle people and make them suffer.

Alternative option

Say the following: "Most people have experienced this trouble. I think you will overcome all obstacles and soon forget about it."

Phrase 7: “I worked hard, but in the end nothing worked out!”

This statement will confuse your counterpart. He will decide that you are expecting praise from him. However, it is not clear what he should praise you for: for trying, or for not being able to cope with your work? Don't you think that this is stupid and inappropriate?

Alternative option

Explain briefly and clearly: “I will make every effort and will not give up on the task halfway.”

Phrase 8: “Life is cruel and unfair!”

Do you think that people around you don't know about this? A smart woman will never say trivial things and demonstrate her naivety and inexperience. Remember this and don't use such phrases anymore!

Alternative option

Show that you are a constructive person. Do a little analysis: "What is the real reason?", "Why did you come to this conclusion?" etc.

Phrase 9: “Don’t wind yourself up and don’t make things up. This can’t happen!”

Do you think that your vis-à-vis's problem is a mere trifle? Still, this does not give you the right to voice this statement. It indicates a complete lack of empathy on your part. After this unpleasant conversation, the person will decide that you are superficial and callous.

Alternative option

Say: "I'm sure that soon you will be able to look at such problems from a different angle. Then they will not seem so scary and terrible to you."

Phrase 10: “You never loved me!”

This classic phrase is used by all deceived wives and fools. Admit it honestly, you don’t want your lover to answer like this: “I don’t care about you at all. I really didn’t have any feelings for you!”? And you can run into an unpleasant answer if you continue to develop this topic. Then your man himself will begin to doubt: “Or maybe I don’t love this bore anymore?”

Alternative option

Let your loved one know that you are worried, but unobtrusively: “I miss you”, “I need your kisses”, “I really want to relax with you and talk about everything!”

Igor Zur Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor

  1. Phrase 1 “Maybe I said something stupid, but…”
  2. Phrase 2: “Everything I have is entirely my merit!”
  3. Phrase 3: "This impudent fellow doesn't deserve you!"
  4. Phrase 4: “You’re so fresh and cheerful! You can’t tell that you’re so old!”
  5. Phrase 5: “But I told you that everything would turn out like this!”
  6. Phrase 6: “I feel so sorry for you, I’ve faced a similar problem myself!”
  7. Phrase 7: “I worked hard, but in the end nothing worked out!”
  8. Phrase 8: “Life is cruel and unfair!”
  9. Phrase 9: “Don’t wind yourself up and don’t make things up. This can’t happen!”
  10. Phrase 10: “You never loved me!”