4 Tricky Women's Questions That Only Weaklings Answer

23.03.2023 06:20
Updated: 14.04.2023 20:00

Women are by nature more cunning and resourceful than men. They adapt to changing conditions faster and adjust to their loved one.

Also, representatives of the weaker sex are very observant in relationships: they see many male weaknesses.

Ladies skillfully use the information received from a representative of the stronger sex, try to foresee the situation, understand when a person is deceiving them, and when he is not. In a word, they feel the man who is next to them.

There are several details that a woman uses to read a man. But they do not always give the full picture. Therefore, a representative of the weaker sex immediately begins to ask the unfortunate interlocutor tricky questions in order to make sure that her premonitions are correct.

Once she gets specific answers, everything will suddenly become clear. Do you know why these questions are so tricky? The thing is, a man will lose by agreeing to answer them.

Young woman
Photo: Pixabay

When the insidious person realizes that she is talking to a weak man, she will immediately decide to leave him and wave goodbye.

These very questions cannot be ignored. There are not many of them (only 4), but every self-respecting man should know them, so as not to fall into the net of a dangerous lady pursuing her own interests!

1. How high is your salary?

Such questions are asked by women obsessed with money. And only weaklings give answers to them. It does not matter whether the man tells the truth or lies - in any case, the interlocutor will be shocked.

If an impressive number is announced, then the enthusiasm of the hunter for someone else's wealth will increase many times over. She will want to fool the man in order to get as many expensive gifts from him as possible. If he says that he earns little, then she will cast a disdainful glance in his direction and hurry away.

Only weak men boast about their income level. The representatives of the stronger sex who advertise their modest earnings also cannot be called smart. But the worst option is, undoubtedly, a lie.

A smart conversationalist will understand that she is being deceived.

It is recommended to answer vaguely or ignore the question altogether and switch to another topic. An example of a strong man's answer: "For a happy and carefree life, I need even more money!"

2. Are you ready to spend decent money on your beloved woman?

A question about generosity and greed will make any representative of the stronger sex feel awkward. No one wants to be considered a miser. Generosity also has its limits. It turns out that a man will have to come up with excuses for himself.
If a man says he is generous, he will be forced to spend a tidy sum on a friend, so as not to embarrass himself. Admitting to one's own greed means going against one's pride. No man would dare to put himself in such an awkward position. However, no one would want to spend a decent portion of their salary on a greedy person either.
Such selfish women see only one virtue in men – a wallet filled with rustling fresh bills. Everything else has no meaning for them.

Here are a couple more sample answers from a reasonable man: “The better a woman treats me, the more generous I become”, “I don’t feel sorry for anything for a loving, selfless and honest woman!”

Only worthy candidates will be able to understand and accept one of these answers. And mercantile women should not hang around decent men. Let them look for the same vile and deceitful types.

3. Have you initiated a breakup at least once in your life?

This is a difficult question. It is impossible to give a clear answer to it. If a representative of the stronger sex assures a woman that he has never dumped a girl, she will think that he is a loser. The interlocutor will decide that all lovers simply ran away from such a weakling.

If he says that he himself left women, then he will seem like an incorrigible philanderer to his acquaintances. It is advisable to avoid straightforward answers. It is better to philosophize a little on this topic in order to avoid specifics and distract the interlocutor's attention.

It is necessary to emphasize the following: the separation should be beautiful, mutual, devoid of claims and shouting.

4. Have you had many girlfriends?

Only a stupid and overly curious lady would ask this inappropriate question. Is there really a man in the world who would be willing to answer it? Probably not.

It is not known what answer the narrow-minded individuals who voiced these words want to hear. Some will goggle with joy when the interlocutor starts listing all his mistresses. Others will be upset about the same thing. The first will prefer a modest man with a minimum number of girlfriends, and the second will start turning up their noses at him. You can't please everyone!

By the way, women themselves do not like such tactless questions. In fact, it is very unpleasant to talk about your sexual experience to a potential other half. And why should she know this truth? That's right, there is no need. Such things should be kept in the strictest confidence.

Elena Gutyro Author: Elena Gutyro Internet resource editor

  1. 1. How high is your salary?
  2. 2. Are you ready to spend decent money on your beloved woman?
  3. 3. Have you initiated a breakup at least once in your life?
  4. 4. Have you had many girlfriends?