How to Respond to a Teacher's Criticism: 4 Tips for Mom and Dad

06.03.2023 13:00
Updated: 14.04.2023 11:42

A child's education at school is a difficult period not only for him. Parents also have to face difficulties, some problems.

They may see less than perfect grades in the diary, they may notice that the child is not behaving in the best way. This will worry them, but they will be even more confused when the teacher complains about the child, when he makes comments to him.

Parents need to react to any criticism from a teacher in a certain way. Several tips will help them do it correctly.

Be on the child's side

And this should be done not only in words. It is necessary to emphasize that parents are always ready to listen, to help overcome obstacles, to solve a difficult problem.

In this case, the child will develop trust in mom and dad, and he will not be afraid to tell them about the problems he has encountered.

Photo: Pixabay

Allow for mistakes

It should be remembered that the teacher is also a living person. He has emotions, he could have been provoked by children, brought to the point that he started shouting. Yes, this is not acceptable.

But it is worth trying to understand the teacher's situation. You definitely don't need to immediately threaten with letters to the education department, complaints. This will only make the situation worse.

Putting relationships above grades

A teacher may say that a child is not trying, that his/her grades could be much higher. This is probably true, perhaps the child is not realizing his/her potential, does not want to do so.

It is necessary to find out the reasons why this happens. But still, parents should not put marks in the center. It is important to remember about the relationship with the child, to do everything to ensure that there is trust in them. In this case, it will be easier to improve academic performance.

Don't rush to conclusions

You should use this trick already in the process of talking to the teacher. You should not take everything he says on faith. You need to thank him for the information, say that it is important.

After this, you should listen to your child, find out his version of what happened. Only after this can you draw conclusions, make some decision.

Parents should always follow these rules when interacting with the teacher and the child. In this case, the relationship with everyone will remain normal.

Yana Lysova Author: Yana Lysova Internet resource editor

  1. Be on the child's side
  2. Allow for mistakes
  3. Putting relationships above grades
  4. Don't rush to conclusions