A man who truly loves his wife will be kind and polite to his other half.
"Breakdowns" will be extremely rare.
Respectful attitude towards his wife is what characterizes a loving husband.

There are phrases that such a person will never say in a conversation with his wife.
"It's your problem"
A truly loving man will not ignore the difficulties his partner faces.
Such a person will consider his spouse’s problems to be his own problems.
But if a man doesn’t want to help his wife, then he hardly loves her.
"You're driving me crazy!"
A person who truly loves his other half will never make such a drastic statement.
"Do whatever you want"
Such indifference of a man to his wife’s actions often indicates a lack of feelings for his spouse.
"I don't have to report to you."
A loving man understands that his wife is worried about him and wants to know about everything that is happening in his life.
A good husband will not hide anything from his wife.
"And here is my ex..."
A man who loves his wife will not remind her of his ex-partner.
A loving representative of the stronger sex understands that such statements will upset his wife.