You are proud of your roses and strawberries, without even suspecting that invisible killers are crawling under the leaves and in the soil.
They leave no traces, make no sounds, but in one season they can turn a blooming garden into a desert. We are not talking about moles or caterpillars - these pests are smaller than a needle, and there are millions of them.
The first enemy is the spider mite. It is impossible to see it without a magnifying glass, but the result is immediately visible: yellow dots on the leaves, cobwebs on the stems. The mites suck out the juice, and the plant dies within a week. The second nightmare is nematodes

These microscopic worms live in the roots, causing swelling and rot. The third guest is thrips. They leave silvery stripes on the petals and spread viruses.
How to fight? For spider mites, an infusion of onion peel is suitable: pour 100 g with boiling water, leave for a day, strain and spray the plants. Nematodes will be scared away by marigolds - plant them along the perimeter of the beds.
The roots of flowers secrete substances that paralyze worms. Garlic spray will help against thrips: crush 5 cloves, mix with a liter of water and treat the leaves.
But the main thing is prevention. Do not plant too thickly, remove fallen leaves and disinfect tools. These creatures hate cleanliness.
And if everything is neglected, use biological preparations based on predatory fungi - they are safe for people, but deadly for pests. Do not wait until the garden turns into their buffet - act now!