What could be simpler than planting potatoes in furrows? Many gardeners use agricultural machinery for this, but sometimes the old-fashioned way is used – a horse with a plow.
A more labor-intensive process is planting with a shovel - it helps when the area is small.
Experienced gardeners told about an unusual way of planting potatoes.

Chess order
This is not the easiest way to plant potatoes, but it is justified because it allows you to harvest a good crop.
It is believed that with such placement on the bed, optimal conditions are created for the growth of tops and development of tubers.
How to proceed
There is nothing complicated. The holes for the tubers are marked in a checkerboard pattern.
The interval between two main rows should be at least 30 centimeters.
The distance between pairs of rows should be 100-110 cm.
The holes are located at a distance of at least 35 cm from each other.
Summer residents who practice this method claim that they no longer need to hill up potatoes. But it is best to grow low-growing and early potato varieties using this scheme.
What is the advantage?
The method allows to increase the yield.
And it becomes more convenient and easier to cultivate the beds.
Don't forget to cover the plantings with mulch, which will eliminate the need to remove weeds, as well as frequent watering.