Carrots are a symbol of health, but if crop rotation is incorrect, they can become dangerous!
The journal Food Chemistry published sensational data: if dill, parsley or celery grew in the garden before carrots, the root vegetables accumulate furanocoumarins - toxins that cause skin burns when exposed to the sun.
Swedish gardener Erik Larsson described the tragedy in his blog Organic Life :

"After picking carrots, I developed a rash on my hands. Doctors said it was a phototoxic reaction due to furanocoumarins."
How to avoid disaster
- Never plant carrots after umbelliferous crops. Their roots secrete growth inhibitors.
- Avoid proximity to cumin and fennel - they increase the production of toxins.
Scientists from the University of Copenhagen recommend "predecessor-cleaners":
1. Onion - its phytoncides suppress fungi.
2. Tomatoes - reduce soil acidity.
Chef Jamie Oliver 's tip:
"Always check the history of the garden bed. Carrots with toxins will add a bitter taste to even the most exquisite dish!"