Why do your neighbors collect a sack of potatoes, while you have only one bucket on the same area? We reveal the sprouting method that large agricultural holdings hide.
Prepare to be shocked - your harvest will triple!
Mistakes of gardeners
Using small tubers (less than 50 g) produces weak bushes.

Germinating in the dark makes the sprouts thin and brittle.
Failure to process leads to diseases - late blight destroys up to 70% of the harvest.
The fourth mistake is planting in cold soil. The tubers rot before they have time to sprout.
Scientific approach
Vernalize the tubers for 30–40 days at 12–15 degrees Celsius in the light.
Treat them with Fitosporin (10 g per 5 l of water) - this will protect against fungi.
Grow in damp sawdust with the addition of "Epin" (1 ampoule per 2 liters of water). Sprouts will appear in 10 days.
To accelerate growth, spray the tubers with a solution of potassium humate (5 ml per 10 l of water) 3 days before planting.
Tricks for a Super Harvest
Make transverse cuts 1 cm deep on the tubers before vernalization. This will awaken dormant buds.
Before planting, spray the potatoes with a solution of copper sulfate (2 g per 10 l of water) - prevention of late blight.
Plant in "warm beds": put rotted manure on the bottom of the hole, then a layer of soil. Manure warms the roots and accelerates growth.
After the shoots emerge, hill the bushes with a mixture of soil and compost - this will protect the tubers from sunburn.
Summer residents claim that making cuts on tubers and treating them with copper sulfate increases the yield several times.
You can also plant potatoes next to beans to protect against the Colorado potato beetle.