The rapid appearance of umbrellas on dill is a problem familiar to many gardeners.
We tell you how to grow dill so that it doesn’t produce umbrellas for a long time.
How to Prevent Early Flowering of Dill
Plant bush varieties that are not prone to early flowering, or late ones.
Also, unfavorable conditions may be the reason for early flowering of dill.
First, the soil. It should be light, loose, fertile, neutral or slightly acidic.
On acidic soils dill turns yellow, on alkaline soils it turns red.
Secondly, dill does not like crowding; when planted too densely, it quickly forms inflorescences.
Thirdly, fertilizers. It is better to apply them during autumn soil preparation.
During the growth of dill, fertilizers are applied in small quantities and with watering.
Fourthly, watering. It should be regular. Dry soil combined with heat is one of the reasons for early flowering.
In addition, the rapid appearance of umbrellas may be due to a lack of light.