If rats appear at your dacha, you need to take immediate action.
Rats destroy food supplies, damage floors, walls and roofs, and chew wiring, which can cause a fire.
In addition, these rodents are carriers of various diseases, including fatal ones.

We tell you about four effective ways to fight rats.
How to get rid of rats
First, bring a cat to the dacha. It is worth doing this even if your pet does not catch rats: the smell of the cat will scare them away.
Some dog breeds, such as fox terriers and dachshunds, are also good at catching rats.
Secondly, you can plant plants in your garden that repel rodents.
For example, tansy (it is better to choose decorative varieties), mint, wormwood, elderberry.
You can also place bunches of these plants around your home and outbuildings.
You can also lubricate places where rats appear (baseboards, corners, etc.) with mint essential oil.
Thirdly, you can stuff rags soaked in vinegar, ammonia, kerosene or gasoline into rat holes. Rats cannot stand these smells.
In addition, ultrasonic/electromagnetic repellents are very effective. However, it should be taken into account that ultrasonic repellents are effective only in open spaces.