Even strong and healthy seedlings, if properly cared for, can upset a summer resident with empty flowers, that is, flowers without ovaries.
What to do in a situation when fruits do not set, was explained by the expert of the online publication "BelNovosti", scientist-agronomist, landscape designer Anastasia Kovrizhnykh.
Cucumbers and tomatoes that do not fully pollinate on their own need help.

To transfer pollen from the stamens to the pistil of a flower, you can use any of the methods described below.
1. In tomato beds, you can shake the flower clusters every few days.
2. Since cucumbers have unisexual flowers, this method is not suitable for them.
Therefore, arm yourself with a thin, soft brush, carefully collect pollen from male flowers with its bristles and transfer it to the stigmas of the pistils of neighboring female flowers.
A swab made of cotton wool can be used as a working tool.
3. Alternatively, pick off the male flowers, then tear off their petals and place the anthers on the stigmas of the female flowers.
4. And don’t forget about the existence of fruit formation stimulants – for example, such as Ovary, Bud, etc.
They should be sprayed on brushes in accordance with the instructions provided.
And, of course, don’t forget that greenhouse crops should grow in conditions that are comfortable for them.
This means that you will have to ventilate the greenhouse, mulch the plants, shade them in the heat, review and, if necessary, adjust the watering and fertilizing regime, follow the rules for forming bushes, and cover the plants in the open ground from heavy rains and possible cold weather.