Not only the quantity of fruits, but also their quality, resistance to diseases and even the speed of ripening depend on correct formation.
The choice of formation method depends on the type of tomatoes, growing conditions and even climate, so it is important to consider different methods and choose the one that suits your conditions.
Tomatoes are divided into determinate and indeterminate varieties, and for each of these types, formation is carried out differently.
Determinate varieties grow compactly, limited to a certain height, which makes them suitable for open ground and greenhouses. They require moderate pruning, as they themselves stop growing after a certain number of clusters appear.
Indeterminate varieties, on the contrary, constantly grow upwards, therefore they require systematic shaping to maintain a comfortable height and compactness of the bush.
If you do not prune regularly, such tomatoes will not only stretch excessively, but also direct resources to the growth of extra shoots instead of fruits, which reduces the yield.
Each type must be formed depending on the conditions: if the plant receives enough sunlight and space, more shoots can be left to increase the number of fruits.
Formation into one stem is considered optimal for indeterminate tomatoes in greenhouses and allows all resources to be directed towards the growth of one main stem with clusters of fruits.
This method helps improve ventilation and lighting of the plant, reducing the risk of disease and making care easier.
With this method, side shoots are removed until the very end of the season, leaving only the main stem and its clusters. In conditions of limited space, such as in greenhouses, the formation of two or three stems is often practiced, allowing the use of side shoots to increase the total number of fruits.
In this case, 1-2 stepsons are left after the main stem, which creates additional fruit clusters. This method requires more care and constant monitoring, but with the right approach, it allows you to achieve maximum yield.
Stepsoning is the removal of lateral shoots growing from the leaf axils, which allows the plant to direct its energy to the development of fruits, rather than excess greenery.
It is recommended to regularly remove side shoots, starting from the early stages of bush growth, so that extra shoots do not take resources from flowering brushes and forming fruits.
To obtain large and high-quality tomatoes, you need to leave only those shoots that form the required number of stems (1-3, depending on the chosen method).
Pinching out side shoots is especially important for indeterminate varieties, as they grow green mass more actively.
It is worth remembering that removing all shoots can weaken the bush, so it is recommended to leave a few upper leaves to maintain the process of photosynthesis and strengthen the plant.
In the later stages of growth, it is useful to pinch off the top of the main stem and remove some of the lower leaves.
Pinching the growth point allows you to stop the height of the plant and redirect all energy to the ripening of the fruit, especially when the tomatoes have already reached a significant height and formed a sufficient number of fruit clusters.
Removing lower leaves helps improve ventilation at the base of the bush, which reduces the risk of disease and improves light access to the lower fruits.
Pinching is also useful at the end of the season to speed up the ripening of the last fruits before the onset of cold weather. Such pruning methods significantly reduce the ripening period of tomatoes, increasing the overall quality of the harvest.