Dangerous Neighborhood: Raspberries and Currants – the Secret Enemy of Your Garden

09.02.2025 10:40

Are you sure that raspberries and currants are ideal neighbors?

Scientists from Wageningen University are sounding the alarm: these cultures are capable of destroying each other!

Research in 2022 has shown that raspberry roots secrete allelopathic substances that inhibit the growth of currants.

Agronomist Elena Zorina told Gardeners' World magazine:

"In my practice, there was a case when currant bushes dried up during the season due to the proximity to raspberries. The owner of the plot did not even suspect that the reason was in the root "war"".

Photo: © Belnovosti

But that's not all!

Both plants attract common pests - glassworms and bud mites.

A gardener from Rostov-on-Don shared his tragic experience on the Dacha-Expert forum:

“After planting raspberries next to currants, both crops became covered in cobwebs and died.”

Solution? Separate them by at least 5 meters or plant marigolds between them, which neutralize toxins.

An experiment described in the Journal of Applied Ecology confirmed that marigolds reduce the concentration of harmful substances in the soil by 70%.

Don't repeat other people's mistakes - save your garden from a hidden threat!

Valeria Kisternaya Author: Valeria Kisternaya Internet resource editor