It is no secret to any summer resident that preliminary soaking of seeds for seedlings is a very important procedure.
Before planting in the soil, the seed material must be kept in a stimulating solution.
In this case, germination will improve. In addition, the chances of getting a rich harvest will be maximum.
But there is a problem: usually summer residents use chemical stimulants. But it is better to focus on natural ones!
It turns out that there is a juice that is more effective than even the most expensive “chemicals”.
What juice should seeds be soaked in?
No, we are not talking about any fruit or vegetable juice.
This refers to the liquid obtained from aloe.
The juice of this particular representative of the flora has a positive effect on seed material.
To “extract” the required liquid, you need to cut off the lowest leaf blades from the plant.
The collected material must be wrapped in a piece of cloth and placed in a refrigerator for half a month.
Then you need to squeeze the juice out of the leaves using gauze.
The resulting liquid should be poured into some container. It is important that the container used is not made of metal. Place the seeds in aloe juice for 24 hours.
There is another option: you can dilute the “extracted” liquid with plain water by half, dip a piece of cloth into the resulting solution and wrap the seeds in this material.
Soaking in aloe juice guarantees not only good germination, but also the supply of a large number of useful components. In addition, the crop will be protected from many ailments.
What plant seeds can be soaked in aloe juice
This type of treatment is suitable for seeding eggplants, cabbage, carrots and tomatoes.
But for onion and pepper seeds, this soaking method can be dangerous.