How to root a cutting: people use an affordable drugstore remedy

31.07.2024 14:28

One of the quick ways to propagate a favorite variety of garden perennial crop is cuttings.

Its only drawback is that the cuttings do not always take root, and you have to wait quite a long time for them to appear.

Experts say that an affordable drugstore product will speed up this process thanks to the B vitamin it contains.

Photo: Pixabay

To root cuttings, summer residents are advised to try Thiamine in ampoules, writes, citing an expert agronomist from the Timiryazev Academy.

Among other microelements and vitamins, the specialist points to B vitamins.

These are exactly what plants need when taking root.

Moreover, they begin to use this substance several days before harvesting the cuttings as a top dressing, and continue to do so until the roots appear.

How to prepare a solution

For one liter of water you will need 2 milliliters of the pharmaceutical preparation.

The prepared solution is used for watering before cutting the cuttings. Then the prepared shoots are soaked in it.

The solution is changed every day until roots form.

It is not recommended to keep the container with the solution and cuttings in the light under direct sunlight.

Igor Zur Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor

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