How to treat cucumbers from spider mites and aphids: an overview of effective methods

26.05.2024 05:20

Spider mites and aphids are two common pests that can cause significant damage to cucumber crops.

Both of these organisms feed on plant sap, causing plants to weaken, their yield to decrease, and the spread of diseases.

Anastasia Kovrizhnykh, an expert of the online publication "BelNovosti" - a scientist agronomist and landscape designer, told how to act in such a situation.

For every gardener who wants to get healthy and tasty cucumbers, the fight against these pests is an important task.

Signs of cucumber damage by pests

Spider mites are tiny insects that are difficult to spot with the naked eye. Their presence is indicated by a fine web on the leaves and stems of cucumbers. Leaves affected by the mite turn yellow, dry out, and fall off.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Aphids are small green, black or grey insects that gather on young shoots, leaves and buds of cucumbers. They suck the juice out of plants, deforming the leaves and slowing growth.

Methods of Controlling Spider Mites

The fight against spider mites requires a comprehensive approach. It is important not only to destroy the pests, but also to create conditions unfavorable for their reproduction.

One of the effective methods of control is the treatment of plants with acaricides - special preparations that destroy ticks. Acaricides are produced in different forms: concentrates for solution preparation, sprays, powders.

It is important to choose drugs that are safe for humans and the environment, and strictly follow the instructions for use.

In addition to acaricides, folk remedies for fighting spider mites are effective.

Onion peel infusion is an affordable and safe way to repel pests. To prepare the infusion, pour boiling water over the onion peel and leave for several hours. Spray the plants with the resulting infusion.

Methods of combating aphids

Aphids, unlike spider mites, are easier to spot and control. There are many methods for their destruction, including both chemical and folk remedies.

Insecticides designed to control insects, including aphids, come in granular, powder, and liquid forms. When choosing them, it is extremely important to choose those that are safe for people and beneficial insects, and to strictly follow the instructions for their use.

As for folk methods, garlic infusion is a simple and affordable way to repel aphids. To prepare it, crushed garlic is poured with water and infused for several hours, after which the resulting solution is applied to the plants.

Prevention of pests

Prevention is the best way to protect cucumbers from spider mites and aphids. Following simple rules will help prevent pests from appearing and preserve the harvest.

Regular inspection of plants will allow you to identify pests at an early stage, when their numbers are still small, and take timely measures.

Maintaining an optimal watering and fertilizing regime strengthens the immunity of plants, making them less susceptible to pests.

Cleaning up plant debris after harvesting deprives pests of shelter and food.

Deep digging of the soil in autumn destroys wintering pests.

Biological control methods

To combat pests biologically, predators and parasites are used, which naturally regulate their numbers. Predatory insects, such as ladybugs, lacewings, ground beetles, feed on aphids, significantly reducing their numbers.

You can attract beneficial insects to your site by planting plants that attract them: dill, parsley, coriander, marigolds.

Selecting a method of struggle

The choice of method for controlling spider mites and aphids depends on the scale of the infestation, the personal preferences of the gardener and the conditions for growing cucumbers.

Chemicals provide fast and effective results, but can be dangerous to humans and the environment.

Traditional methods are safe, accessible and effective, but require a lot of time and effort.

Biological methods are the most environmentally friendly way to control pests, but they require time and patience.

Previously we told you how to deal with the weevil on strawberries .

Igor Zur Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor

Anastasia Kovrizhnykh Expert: Anastasia KovrizhnykhExpert / Belnovosti

  1. Signs of cucumber damage by pests
  2. Methods of Controlling Spider Mites
  3. Methods of combating aphids
  4. Prevention of pests
  5. Biological control methods
  6. Selecting a method of struggle