Plant Neighborhood: What Zucchini Are Afraid Of

28.04.2024 00:30

The secrets of a generous harvest of zucchini lie not only in proper watering and fertilizing.

Experienced gardeners know that it is important to consider the compatibility of plants in the beds.

Anastasia Kovrizhnykh , an expert of the online publication "BelNovosti", an agronomist and landscape designer, told how to act in such a situation.

An unfortunate neighborhood can inhibit the growth of zucchini, reduce the yield and even lead to diseases. So, what plants should be kept away from zucchini plantings?

Enemies in the garden: potatoes and tomatoes

Zucchini, like potatoes and tomatoes, belong to the nightshade family.

Photo: © Belnovosti

This means they have similar nutritional needs and the same enemies - pests and diseases.

By planting them close together, we create competition for resources and increase the risk of spreading diseases.

For example, late blight is a common fungal disease that affects nightshades.

If one species gets sick, it will quickly infect the others. These crops are also susceptible to attacks by the Colorado potato beetle, which will happily feast on both potato leaves and squash tops.

Competitors for Sun and Food: Pumpkins and Cucumbers

Zucchini are plants with a powerful root system and wide leaves. They require a lot of space, sun and nutrition to grow well. Therefore, you should not plant them next to crops that have similar characteristics.

Pumpkins and cucumbers, like squash, belong to the Cucurbitaceae family. They also need a lot of light and nutrients.

Planted close together, they will compete with each other, which will negatively affect the yield of all crops.

Hostile aromas: fennel and wormwood

Some plants secrete substances that inhibit the growth of other crops. Such "aggressors" include fennel and wormwood.

Their specific aroma repels not only pests, but also prevents the development of neighboring plants.

Zucchini are especially sensitive to such a neighborhood. If planted next to fennel or wormwood, they will grow slowly, and the fruits may be small and deformed.

Friends or Foes: Corn and Sunflower

Tall crops such as corn and sunflowers provide shade, which can be either beneficial or harmful to squash.

On the one hand, in hot weather, the shade protects the tender leaves of the squash from sunburn. On the other hand, when there is not enough sun, the plants stretch out and the fruits do not set well.

Therefore, when deciding on such a neighborhood, it is important to consider the climatic conditions and features of the site. In regions with cool summers, corn and sunflowers can become enemies rather than friends for zucchini.

Ideal Neighbors: Legumes and Greens

There are crops that have a positive effect on the growth and development of zucchini. Such useful neighbors include legumes (peas, beans, beans) and greens (dill, parsley, spinach).

Legumes add nitrogen to the soil, which helps the squash grow. Plus, their thin stems don't create shade or compete for space. The greenery repels pests like spider mites and aphids that can damage squash crops.

Earlier we talked about which varieties of hydrangea can be planted in the shade .

Igor Zur Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor

Anastasia Kovrizhnykh Expert: Anastasia KovrizhnykhExpert / Belnovosti

  1. Enemies in the garden: potatoes and tomatoes
  2. Competitors for Sun and Food: Pumpkins and Cucumbers
  3. Hostile aromas: fennel and wormwood
  4. Friends or Foes: Corn and Sunflower
  5. Ideal Neighbors: Legumes and Greens