Hibiscus tea (roselle flowers, Sudanese rose, red tea) has a sweet and sour taste, contains many useful substances that have a beneficial effect on the human body, including macro- and microelements, vitamins, amino acids.
Hibiscus infusion is no less useful for plants, especially for pumpkin crops - zucchini, cucumbers, pumpkins and squash, which, as is known, prefer neutral or slightly acidified soil.
Useful properties of hibiscus tea for plants
Due to the presence of a large amount of organic acids, the introduction of aqueous extracts from red tea into the soil significantly improves the mineral nutrition of cucumbers.

Natural acids break down poorly soluble salts of mineral fertilizers and organic matter, converting them into chelated elements that are easily absorbed by the root system of bushes.
After root feeding of cucumber beds, both in greenhouses and in the garden, the plants are transformed literally before our eyes.
The processes of ovary formation are activated, the number of empty flowers is reduced, and the filling of cucumbers is accelerated.
In addition, the introduction of liquid fertilizer is a powerful preventative measure against chlorosis. And hibiscus infusion is a biological growth and root formation stimulant.
Recipe for liquid hibiscus fertilizer for cucumbers and zucchini
1. Take a handful of red tea (in a fist), pour 1 liter of warm water, leave to infuse for 24 hours at room temperature.
2. Pour the strained mother liquor into a bucket of water heated in the sun and use it to water the cucumbers at the roots on damp soil.
3. For each adult bush it is enough to add 1 liter of working solution.
4. To prevent the spread of pests in the borage, plants can be sprayed with an infusion of red tea, diluted according to the recipe, from a garden sprayer.
It is useful to alternate such feeding with the application of liquid fertilizers, both organic (infusion of bird droppings, solution of liquid manure, green fertilizer, yeast feeding) and mineral (ash infusion, nitrophoska solution, calcium nitrate solution, etc.).
According to reviews from experienced gardeners and vegetable growers, in addition to cucumbers, other garden plants also respond well to watering with hibiscus infusion, especially those that prefer slightly acidic soil: hydrangeas, begonias, leafy greens, etc.
May you have a good harvest of cucumbers and other vegetables in your garden!