Why experienced gardeners don't throw away tubes of toothpaste leftovers: the product will come in handy at the dacha

13.06.2023 07:18

When almost all the toothpaste is squeezed out, many people simply throw away the tube and open a new one.

More thrifty people cut open the packaging and collect the remaining product with a toothbrush.

And cunning summer residents put the tubes aside and then remember about them before going to their country house.

The fact is that you can prepare a great solution against pests using a hygiene product.

Cabbage protection product

All remaining tubes should be cut to collect the paste from them. You can squeeze the product out of a full tube.

Photo: © Belnovosti

The collected mass should be placed in a container with plain water. There should be no more than 50 grams of paste per bucket of liquid.

After a couple of hours, you will have a solution that needs to be poured into a spray bottle.

If you pour drops of this infusion over cabbage, the garden crop will gain protection from the cabbage white butterfly.

It is advisable to carry out the procedure at the end of spring or in the first weeks of summer.

What other pests is the product effective against?

A similar composition can be used against many other insects that are dangerous to plants.

Thus, a toothpaste solution copes well with aphids and ants.

Sergey Tumanov Author: Sergey Tumanov Internet resource editor

  1. Cabbage protection product
  2. What other pests is the product effective against?