Why Strawberries Became Small: 4 Reasons for a Spoiled Crop

26.04.2023 15:20

Strawberries do not always become small just because the gardener has not transplanted the berry bush to a new location for a long time.

Let's find out what else could be the cause of a spoiled harvest and how to fix it.

Reason one

If the time for transplantation has not yet come, and the berries are still small, you need to think about nutrition and watering. These are two mandatory points that allow you to harvest full-fledged berries.

As for fertilizers, they are applied at the beginning of the growing season and after fruiting. None of these points can be skipped, otherwise large berries will not appear on the bushes.

If the berries are not only small but also unsightly, then the soil lacks boron. Almost the same thing can happen with dense planting.

Strawberry Berries
Photo: © Belnovosti

Reason two

The variety and bush age and degenerate even with proper care. After 4-6 years, the yield drops noticeably, and therefore periodic rejuvenation is indispensable. Summer residents advise not to wait 4 years, but to try to plant new varieties every season.

Reason three

Perhaps the bed is filled with so-called weed varieties or male bushes, which do not produce much of a harvest, but only take away nutrition from the female bushes, which are the ones that bear fruit with all their might.

Reason four

You will also have to honor the memory of last year's harvests if you do not treat the area for diseases and pests.

In fact, there are many more reasons for strawberry degeneration, but, as gardeners assure, these 4 are the main ones.

Igor Zur Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor

  1. Reason one
  2. Reason two
  3. Reason three
  4. Reason four