Fighting moles: how to get rid of them in your summer cottage

06.03.2023 05:30
Updated: 14.04.2023 11:57

Not always what is generally useful in nature is acceptable in a summer cottage. Therefore, some animals have to be fought.

For example, in winter hares are unwelcome guests, and in summer moles are. It would seem that little furry animals can do no harm, they are never seen.

But these restless diggers, making their passages in the soil, can damage the root system of plants or cause soil subsidence in the beds. Their holes can become a refuge for mice.

In addition, they eat earthworms, which are necessary for the formation of a fertile soil layer. Moles are voracious and are constantly in search of food, digging a significant number of tunnels. This leads to spoilage and destruction of crops. As a result, moles in the summer cottage must be fought.

Physical methods of fighting moles

The most humane method of control is the installation of ultrasonic repellents.

Mole Earth
Photo: © Belnovosti

These are devices that run on electricity and are installed on the surface of the soil. They generate high-frequency sound waves that penetrate into the thickness of the earth.

The sound changes periodically, eliminating the possibility of getting used to it. The place becomes uncomfortable, and the moles leave it.
After deep limiters are dug in along the perimeter of the area to prevent moles from moving, the repellents are removed. Less effective methods are smoking out moles with a smoke bomb or filling mole holes with water.

The animals that crawl out are collected and thrown out. Another method is mole traps. Traps can be made with your own hands from plastic bottles. Also, you should not get rid of local cats on the site, they are happy to hunt moles.

Other ways to combat moles

Moles have a highly developed sense of smell, so you can scare them away with unpleasant odors. Rotten herring has this smell. Some plants also have strong odors, such as marigolds, lavender, lemon balm, onions, and garlic.

Such plants are planted on the border of the plot, and onions and garlic are planted in the beds. Castor oil also quickly repels moles. The solution based on it is periodically watered in areas inhabited by animals.

A more cruel method is the use of pesticides. But here the animals not only run away from the treated area, but can also die.

There is a risk of negative impact of such substances on humans. Therefore, the manufacturer's instructions and precautions should be followed.


The best fight is the one that was avoided. Therefore, preventive work should be carried out immediately, as soon as the danger of moles settling on the site appears.

To do this, you need to purchase a galvanized metal mesh with small cells and dig it in around the perimeter of the site to a depth of 80 centimeters and with an outward extension of up to 20 centimeters.

In addition to this, alternate planting herbs and flowers on the plot that repel animals. It is better to start all preventive work with the melting of snow and the draining of melt water.

It is at this time that all underground animals begin to wake up. Not giving them a chance to penetrate the site, the entire perimeter should be closed.

Place foul-smelling items, such as rotten fish, around the area. If moles have already settled in the area, take control measures. Next, plant onions and garlic in the area. This is good for food and will scare away animals.

Igor Zur Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor

  1. Physical methods of fighting moles
  2. Other ways to combat moles
  3. Prevention