Fighting the Mole Cricket in the Country: How to Get Rid of the Pest Once and For All

05.03.2023 02:00
Updated: 14.04.2023 11:25

When a summer resident grows food crops on his plot, he certainly expects to receive the harvest for his own use in full.

But this temptation attracts many creatures that are commonly called pests.

Bird repellents are installed, such as scarecrows. Trees and bushes are sprayed with insecticides against insects. Traps are set for rodents, and a cat is brought in. Attempts are made to smoke moles out of the garden in various ways.

But there is another underground pest - the mole cricket, whose presence can only be noticed by the damage already caused.

It destroys root crops and damages the root system of plants. This means that this insect must not only be fought, but also preventive measures must be taken. Otherwise, the mole cricket reproduces, and the damage increases.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Signs of pest presence

Unfortunately, the presence of a mole cricket on a plot can often be noticed by the withering of plants. At the same time, if you look closely, small but quite noticeable round holes appear on the surface of the beds.

Visible tracks also appear in the surface layer of the soil. In the spring, during the mating season, chirping can be heard.

Despite the presence of a small number of individuals, it is necessary to immediately begin the fight to destroy them.

Traps for mole crickets

The most successful method of fighting mole crickets is to set traps. They can be shadow, yeast, water and manure. Sometimes it is necessary to try different traps to determine the preference of the insects.

Considering the insects' desire to hide in the shade, you can lay sheets of dense material on the beds that do not let in light and are guaranteed to create shade. At the end of the day, lifting these sheets, you can find hidden mole crickets, which should be destroyed immediately.

According to experts, mole crickets are very partial to yeast. Therefore, you can pour a little yeast-containing composition into a bottle and bury it next to the hole. Having fallen into the bottle, the insect will not be able to get out.

The water trap works in the same way as the yeast trap, only water with honey added is poured into the bottle.

A manure trap lasts longer. Dig a hole in the fall and cover it with film. Then fill it with manure mixed with straw.

When looking for a shelter for wintering, this will be the most preferable place. This is where the mole crickets will gather. When frost sets in, the contents of the hole should be removed and spread on the surface. Frost will destroy the insects. But to be sure, the contents can simply be burned.

Other methods of struggle

Another method to lure the mole cricket out of its hole is to make a solution that repels insects and pour it into the holes. If you can't find all the holes, you can simply water the bed generously.

Such a solution can be kerosene with water or a specially made industrial insecticide sold in stores.

Igor Zur Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor

  1. Signs of pest presence
  2. Traps for mole crickets
  3. Other methods of struggle