The Secret to Perfect Garden Beds: A Simple Device for Making Holes in the Soil

08.02.2023 11:24

Many summer residents experience serious difficulties when creating holes in the garden bed.

If you form each “dimple” separately, the process will take too much time.

In addition, you can forget about evenly distributing the holes across the site. It is unlikely that you will be able to correctly calculate the distance between the holes.

In such a situation, the garden bed is unlikely to look beautiful and well-groomed.

Fortunately, experienced gardeners have found a way to quickly create holes with the same distance between the holes.

Photo: © Belnovosti

The trick is to use a simple device that you can make yourself.

How to create a fixture

The device consists of two parts: a wooden board and a cardboard egg tray.

The second device simply needs to be glued to the first.

The size of the device should be determined by the summer resident himself. If it is more convenient for a person to use a large template, then you can take a board of the appropriate size and glue a tray for 30 eggs to it.

If you want to make a compact device, then its components need to be reduced.

Instead of an egg carton, you can attach wine corks to the board, placing them at equal distances from each other.

In any case, the gardener will receive a very convenient device that literally in a second creates several holes at once. To do this, just press the device to the soil.

Kurchev Anton Author: Kurchev Anton Deputy Editor-in-Chief