How not to make a mistake when buying seedlings at the market: advice for those who did not have time to sow

31.01.2023 10:01
Updated: 13.04.2023 18:40

For various reasons, you have to go to the market to buy seedlings. Some are late with sowing, others have seeds that do not germinate, and others consider buying to be a more practical option.

We will tell you how in this case not to buy a pig in a poke, i.e. not to make a mistake when choosing seedlings at the market.

Selecting quality seedlings

1. The first thing that should alert you is the appearance. The stem should be strong, the foliage should be “fleshy”, without spots, damage or yellowness. The color of the foliage is bright, the texture is uniform without compaction.

2. After that, evaluate the height of the seedlings. If all the bushes are of the same height, as if selected, this means that the seller applied all the fertilizers and carried out other procedures on time. But if you have overgrown bushes in front of you, then the plants will no longer be useful.

3. You can also pay attention to the containers in which the bushes grow. It is better if these are separate containers, and even better - peat cups, even if the cost is a couple of kopecks higher.

Cabbage Seedlings
Photo: © Belnovosti

Plantings sold from a common container are best not considered as an option for purchase.

How not to make a mistake with the parameters

If we talk about tomatoes, the height of the bushes should not be more than 35 cm. The presence of one flower brush is allowed.

Pepper bushes can reach 30 cm in height and have several unopened buds at the time of sale.

Eggplants should have 6-7 leaves formed on 20-centimeter bushes.

Early white cabbage has sprouts up to 15 cm high, late ripening up to 20 cm.

Igor Zur Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor

  1. Selecting quality seedlings
  2. How not to make a mistake with the parameters