What to do with last year's mulch in the garden: should you trust your neighbors' advice

30.01.2023 16:06
Updated: 13.04.2023 18:16

Last year's mulch is another stumbling block that has caused more than one neighbor in the gardening community to quarrel.

The basic point of view on this matter is simple: mulch should be removed because pests and pathogenic microorganisms could overwinter in it. In other words, an unhealthy environment is formed.

Let's try to get to the bottom of the truth: is it worth spending time cleaning up last year's mulch?

Remove mulch?

Firstly, gardeners say that last year's mulch warms up the soil worse. Opponents claim that in fact the difference with or without mulch is only 2 degrees. And if the soil is covered with film, it will warm up faster and the difference will be 4 degrees Celsius.

Secondly, you can leave the mulch at least because the weather in spring is unstable and recurrent frosts are not at all uncommon.

Straw wheelbarrow
Photo: © Belnovosti

Thirdly, you can leave the mulch even if you plan to sow radishes or onions. You can simply move it between the rows.

Myths or not

They also say that ants, slugs, and rodents spend the winter under last year's mulch. This is true when it comes to straw. It has been noted that mice most often live under it.

But often gardeners confuse pests with useful inhabitants of the soil. For example, the larvae of the May beetle are often confused with the larvae of the dung beetle, although the latter is harmless. Another useful inhabitant that lives in mulch is the tick ladybug, the first enemy of the spider mite.

What can we say about worms that produce humus? And mulch also prevents weeds from growing, which wake up faster in the spring than gardeners have time to dig up and sow the beds.

But at the same time, mulch can become a breeding ground for rot and mold. However, these diseases are often mistaken for hay bacillus, which is part of Fitosporin.

Even if mold has appeared in the mulch, it can be dealt with by pouring Trichodermin.

As you can see, there are plenty of pros and cons to leaving or removing last year's mulch. Therefore, before trusting the opinion of a neighbor on the site, you need to weigh all the pros and cons.

Igor Zur Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor

  1. Remove mulch?
  2. Myths or not