Why Cabbage Heads Grew Small: Main Mistakes of Gardeners

18.01.2023 07:59

White cabbage can grow to the size of a basketball, but it also happens that it barely reaches average sizes.

There are many reasons for this. From varietal characteristics to agricultural errors and the intervention of an irresistible external force - weather or pests.

We will tell you what should be considered force majeure in a cabbage patch, and when a summer resident reduces the crop yield to a minimum with his own hands.

Let's leave aside the varietal characteristics of cabbage. Here are typical mistakes gardeners make.

1. Cabbage will grow small if the seedlings are planted too closely.

Cabbage Seedlings
Photo: © Belnovosti

2. Cabbage loves moisture and with scanty watering it is impossible to expect large heads of cabbage.

3. Approximately the same thing will happen if you plant seedlings in acidic or waterlogged soil.

4. It is also important to monitor the level of essential nutrients – nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.

5. The rules of agricultural technology include loosening the soil between rows and hilling. Without these procedures, it is also difficult to grow a quality harvest.

The only objective reasons are bad weather and pest infestations. Diseases are the result of the gardener's own negligence.


The only exception is early cabbage. For it, small heads are completely normal. But if we are talking about mid- or late-ripening varieties, then there is a reason to think about your behavior.

Igor Zur Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor