No flowers, just frail leaves: this is what harms petunia seedlings

14.01.2023 16:44

Experienced gardeners have named three main reasons that prevent you from growing truly beautiful flowers.

Petunia seedlings do not require special conditions. But even this hardy plant can die at the earliest stage of development.

The way the pots with sprouts are arranged plays an important role. A cool balcony or a regularly opened window can destroy the seedlings.

Another problem is related to pathogenic microorganisms. The so-called black leg is especially dangerous for petunias.

For prevention, seedlings are watered with biofungicides once every 10 days.

Photo: Pixabay

But the main reason why it is not possible to get quality flowers from seedlings is related to watering.

Excessive moisture is harmful to seedlings. If petunia is over-watered, it will poorly absorb the necessary nutrients. As a result, you can forget about flowers, there will only be weak leaves.

If you do not change anything and continue to water abundantly, the petunia will die from a fungal disease or wither away due to “hunger”.

Dmitry Bobrovich Author: Dmitry Bobrovich Internet resource editor