Many summer residents know about the existence of dangerous “neighbors” for potatoes.
So, other representatives of the nightshade family should not be located near this plant.
First of all, we are talking about tomatoes, eggplants and peppers.
Such “neighborhood” will lead to an extremely negative consequence: crops will begin to compete with each other for nutrients.
In addition, flora representatives will become more vulnerable to various diseases.
The result is low yields of both potatoes and their “neighbors”.
And potatoes are also unlikely to “get along” with cucumbers, zucchini and pumpkin.
But there are also plants that can be safely planted near nightshade. The result will be a quality harvest.
An expert of the online publication "BelNovosti", agronomist and landscape designer Anastasia Kovrizhnykh shared important information with summer residents.
5 Great "Neighbors" for Potatoes
Do you want to get a bountiful harvest of this popular garden crop?
Then plant any of the following flora representatives next to it:
- white cabbage;
- calendula;
- onion;
- beans;
- horseradish.
The above mentioned plants improve the soil condition (making it more suitable for potatoes). In addition, the nightshade is provided with shade.
We can also talk about attracting those insects that can bring great benefits to potatoes.
For reference
Potato is a species of perennial tuberous herbaceous plant of the genus Solanum of the Solanaceae family.