In autumn, the soil only needs to be loosened superficially.
Kurchev Anton excavation dacha in autumn soil mistakes of summer residents Garden and Vegetable Garden 8 October 2024Not everyone knows what should be added during autumn soil digging.
Marina Michalap digging the soil fertilizers advice for summer residents Garden and Vegetable Garden 4 October 2024Summer residents were reminded of the main rules for digging up the soil in the garden in the fall.
Igor Zur advice for summer residents beds in the garden useful tips and life hacks Garden and Vegetable Garden 1 September 2024Not everyone knows what can be added in the fall when digging the soil.
Marina Michalap digging the soil advice for summer residents Garden and Vegetable Garden 15 August 2024Digging up the garden for the winter is considered one of the mandatory procedures for every summer resident.
Elena Shimanovskaya loose soil garden excavation digging the soil Garden and Vegetable Garden 19 December 2023