What if your morning glass of lemon water is your waistline's hidden enemy?
In 2023, the European Journal of Endocrinology published a study that proved that citric acid stimulates the release of cortisol by 30%, blocking the breakdown of fat.
"Cortisol diverts energy into fat stores, especially in the belly and hips," explained Dr. Sarah Gottfried , author of The Hormone Cure.

Who Benefits from the Lemon Water Myth
Detox program and dietary supplement manufacturers make $3 billion a year from “lemon water cleansing.”
Real stories
Users who drank lemon water every morning reported increased blood cortisol levels and weight gain of up to 2 kg per month.
There are also known facts about the appearance of dental problems after lemon water, since the acid destroys teeth faster than sweets.
Alternative methods
Warm water with Himalayan salt balances electrolytes and stimulates lymph flow.
A study in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism confirms that saline solution reduces cortisol levels by 20%.
Ginger and cinnamon speed up metabolism by 15% without harming the adrenal glands.
"Ginger contains gingerol, a natural fat burner," notes Dr. Joshua Rosenthal in Integrative Nutrition.
Green tea with mint. EGCG catechins in green tea increase thermogenesis.
A study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that 3 cups a day can help you burn 100 calories without effort.
If you still drink lemon water, are you willing to risk your health for a myth?