In order for the weight loss process to start correctly and bring excellent results, you need to prepare for it.
There are three important first steps to take.
What do they consist of?
Analyze your diet
The first thing to do is to acknowledge the obvious: your diet is the cause of your weight gain. Therefore, without changes in your diet, you will not be able to lose weight.

Nutrition analysis must be honest and unbiased. Only then will success be achieved.
Even if you think you have no health problems, you should make sure of it. Visit a nutritionist, take tests, choose the most effective method that suits you personally.
Be determined to see the results
It is worth realizing that it is very difficult to fight excess weight after 25 years. It is a long journey that is worth enduring. Therefore, it is worth preparing for a long fight.
It is especially important to take care of your mental health, as losing weight will be a serious stress.
In this case, the results will stay with you forever.