There is still a debate in society about whether carbonated water can really help you lose weight.
Scientists have dotted all the i's and crossed all the t's by recently conducting a corresponding study.
This study showed that soda can make you feel full, which is known to be beneficial for appetite control.
In addition, water is extremely important in the metabolic process, which transforms stored fat into energy.
Carbon dioxide and glucose
However, scientists have not found 100% proof of the claims that soda helps you lose weight.
The only thing that is known for sure (the material was published in one of the scientific journals) is that carbon dioxide in such water reduces the level of glucose in the blood.
And here there is a nuance. Scientists say: when carbon dioxide gets into the blood, it stimulates glucose metabolism, but the effect is short-lived.
This means that it is insignificant for weight loss.
Moreover, drinking soda with sugar can make you gain extra weight.
For this reason, nutritionists recommend drinking drinks that do not contain sugar or artificial sweeteners.
Some benefit, some harm
Carbonated water may be beneficial in improving digestion for people who have problems with slow stomach motility.
The bubbles in soda help move food through the digestive tract, thereby reducing discomfort.
However, experts warn that it is extremely important to observe moderation, otherwise excessive gas formation, bloating and discomfort are possible.
Nutritionists admit that soda can be part of a balanced diet.
But, they repeat again, this water is not a panacea for those who want to lose weight.
For this category of citizens, the main options for solving their problem are traditional physical exercise and healthy food.