What are the benefits of Himalayan salt: is it worth replacing regular table salt with it or not

16.07.2024 07:41

You have probably heard about how beneficial pink Himalayan salt is, and also that salt is almost man’s main enemy.

This begs the question: maybe everyone in the world should switch to Himalayan salt? Let's figure it out together.

Pink Himalayan salt – what is it?

The product's "homeland" is the Pakistani region of Punjab, which is located near the foothills of the Himalayas.

Chemically, pink Himalayan salt is similar to table salt: it contains up to 98% sodium chloride, as well as potassium, magnesium, and calcium. That is why it has a pink tint and its taste is different from regular table salt.

What are the benefits of pink himalayan salt

According to a number of scientists, Himalayan salt contains up to 84 different microelements, but this does not change the fact that 98% of the product, we repeat, is "occupied" by sodium chloride. Since we consume salt in strictly limited quantities, it is unlikely that this tiny portion of microelements can significantly affect our health.

Photo: © Belnovosti

True, no one argues with the fact that Himalayan salt is more natural – it usually does not contain any additives.

Another common misconception concerns the sodium level – for some reason it is believed that pink salt contains less than usual. We will not repeat the already known 98% – everything is clear here.

The only difference between Himalayan salt and table salt is that the former usually has larger crystals, which is why it contains less sodium per teaspoon. In addition, pink salt tastes saltier, which means you need to use less of it.

Cons of Himalayan Salt

Although pink salt may contain a small amount of iodine, it contains significantly less than iodized salt. Therefore, if you have an iodine deficiency or are at risk of developing one, it is recommended to switch to table salt with added iodine.

Elena Shimanovskaya Author: Elena Shimanovskaya Internet resource editor

  1. Pink Himalayan salt – what is it?
  2. What are the benefits of pink himalayan salt
  3. Cons of Himalayan Salt