Why you shouldn't drink tea with cottage cheese: amazing facts about food combinations

25.06.2024 12:30

It seems that it is difficult to imagine something simpler and more common than cottage cheese with tea. However, doctors and nutritionists strongly advise against combining these two products.

It turns out that behind this ban there are not only taste preferences, but also serious reasons related to chemical processes in the body.

Let's consider why cottage cheese and tea are bad "neighbors" on our table and what consequences their simultaneous consumption can have.

The Effect of Acidity on Digestion

The main reason why you shouldn't drink tea with cottage cheese is because of the acidity level.

Cottage cheese, being a dairy product, has a neutral or slightly acidic reaction. While black tea, especially strong, has high acidity.

cottage cheese
Photo: © Belnovosti

When these foods are consumed at the same time, the acid-base balance in the stomach is disrupted. This can slow down digestion and cause discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract.

Thus, drinking tea after cottage cheese can cause heaviness in the stomach and bloating.

Decreased calcium absorption

Scientists also point out that tea contains tannins, which can bind with the calcium present in cottage cheese.

As a result of this interaction, calcium absorption is significantly reduced.

Calcium is an important element for maintaining healthy bones and teeth, and a deficiency can lead to a variety of problems, including osteoporosis.

Effect on beneficial bacteria

Cottage cheese is often recommended as part of a healthy diet due to its content of beneficial lactic acid bacteria, which help normalize intestinal microflora.

But tea, especially green tea, contains antiseptic substances that can negatively affect these beneficial bacteria.

This can reduce the positive impact of cottage cheese on microflora and reduce its beneficial properties.

Impaired taste

Drinking tea with cottage cheese can significantly spoil the taste of both products. Cottage cheese has a soft and delicate taste that is easily covered by the astringency of tea.

This combination can result in the taste of the cottage cheese being distorted and the tea not revealing its rich aroma.

This is especially important to consider for those who value gastronomic pleasure from food.

Alternative drinks to cottage cheese

For those who are not ready to give up the habit of washing down food, it is worth considering alternative drinks.

For example, kefir or fermented baked milk go well with cottage cheese and can even enhance its beneficial properties.

You can also try freshly squeezed juices or compotes, which will not disturb the acid-base balance and will not reduce the absorption of calcium.

Earlier we talked about what to eat between meals to get rid of hunger without gaining weight.

Sergey Tumanov Author: Sergey Tumanov Internet resource editor

  1. The Effect of Acidity on Digestion
  2. Decreased calcium absorption
  3. Effect on beneficial bacteria
  4. Impaired taste
  5. Alternative drinks to cottage cheese