Many people, after successfully losing weight, note that they are clearly not satisfied with the quality of their body.
It looks weak, saggy and not very attractive.
The fact is that no nutrition system in the world can magically “conjure” you the body of your dreams.

What 5 rules will help you achieve your goal
Active strength training
It is important to understand that home workouts will not bring much benefit, since normal muscle growth requires exercises and equipment for different muscles.
It's unlikely that you have everything you need at home.
Yoga and fitness will not be able to provide muscle gain either, although they will tone what you have, experts note.
Number of meals
It is believed that muscles need a fairly large amount of food. This is true. It is optimal to eat every three hours.
This will be enough.
Some people do not monitor the amount of protein, which is a big mistake. After all, it is the "building material" for muscle mass.
For every kilogram of your weight, you need to consume from 0.8 to one gram of protein.
It is important to know that the body needs quality rest. Therefore, establish a sleep schedule. You need to rest from 8 to 10 hours daily.
It is worth going to bed earlier. It is also advisable to go to bed at the same time.
You don't need to exercise every day
Many may feel that daily active exercise is the only way to success. However, it is important to remember that the body needs rest and relaxation.
Therefore, it is enough to exercise 3 times a week.
Earlier we talked about why you should drink a cup of cocoa every day .