How to choose the right carpet to add coziness and harmony to your home

02.01.2023 19:30

The atmosphere of a living space, the coziness and warmth of the interior are created by a variety of things.

Carpets, which many for unknown reasons consider to be bourgeois relics and impractical “dust collectors”, play one of the main roles in creating a comfortable and cozy home.

This is especially felt in winter, when soft and fluffy carpets add warmth to the house, compensating for its lack, which is acutely felt outside the walls of the home.

Many carpets can be safely classified as true works of art. And if popular prints of grandma's carpets evoke nothing but affection and childhood memories, then hand-made oriental carpets make you admire the originality of weaving and the uniqueness of the ornaments.

To change your attitude towards these products and feel the warmth that they can bring into your home, the main thing is to choose the right carpet.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Recommendations were shared by the expert of the online publication "BelNovosti" in the field of design and interior design , Yulia Tychino .

How to choose a carpet

There are several criteria for choosing carpets. Firstly, it is always necessary to consider the space that the carpet will take up, whether it will be laid on the floor or hung on the wall. Secondly, the overall style of the room's interior is taken into account. Thirdly, what material the carpet is woven from. And finally, what emotions and sensations it evokes.

Carpets can be natural, synthetic or semi-synthetic in composition. The most common natural material for carpets is wool. It can be sheep, camel or goat, but most often it is used in combination with each other. Carpets made of wool have many advantages over products with the addition of artificial fibers. They are environmentally friendly and practical, help maintain a healthy microclimate in the room, since they absorb excess moisture and give it off when the air dries out, and retain heat well. In addition, they increase acoustic comfort in the room, muffling loud and sharp sounds.

Natural wool carpets are rarely dyed, as the rough structure of camel and goat hair makes the dyeing difficult. Therefore, you can most often buy a wool carpet in its natural tonal originality. Proper and careful care of carpets preserves their original attractiveness and ensures durability, which synthetic carpets cannot boast of.

The only drawback that natural carpets not only made of wool pile, but also of silk have is their high cost. The cost of a carpet is determined not only by the type of raw material, but also by the type and complexity of the work. The most expensive products are hand-made from Iranian silk. But such luxury is not available to everyone, so manufacturers often produce semi-woolen carpets with the addition of synthetic thread to natural fiber. This allows you to reduce the cost of the product, but does not detract from its quality and attractiveness.

Inexpensive carpets for the floor can be bought from synthetics. Due to their budget, they are available to absolutely any category of the population. Most often, polyacrylic, olefin, polyamide and polyester fibers are used to produce synthetic products. Carpets made of nylon (or polyamide) are often recommended by doctors to people with allergic diseases, since they are absolutely neutral in smell and do not provoke histamine emissions in the body of a sick person. The cost of polyamide carpets is approximately equal to the price of products made of natural wool. The high quality of nylon carpets is indicated by the fact that the notorious Belgian carpets are made from it, striking in their coloring, wear resistance and durability.

If you plan to hang a carpet on the wall, then when choosing, you should focus on the attractiveness of the pattern or design and a pleasant texture. The operational load on such products is minimal, so the type of pile is not of decisive importance. If the product fits harmoniously into the interior, evokes positive emotions and creates a feeling of coziness, then you should take it without hesitation. Especially if you are lucky enough to come across such a product during some tourist trip. A carpet brought from a country where you happened to be on vacation carries a double positive charge.

The situation is a bit more complicated with choosing a floor product. In such a situation, it is not enough for the product to be liked, it is necessary that it does not lose its appearance after the first weeks of active use. Therefore, it is best to think in advance about which carpet to buy and decide on your own wishes. Light carpets, regardless of the length and type of pile, will have to be cleaned much more often and more thoroughly than the same products, but in dark colors. Carpets with single-level pile loops are durable and wear-resistant, but dirt particles driven deep into the pile are very difficult to remove even with a powerful vacuum cleaner.

Carpets of any calm colors and neutral patterns are suitable for the bedroom. Since this room is usually not actively used, you can buy a shaggy or saxon carpet. Unlike the nursery, where you should choose thick carpets on a non-slip base made of polyamide or completely natural wool. The coloring of carpets in the nursery can be very diverse. The main thing is that it does not add excessive variegation to the interior, which quickly tires and irritates the psyche.

When choosing a carpet for the living room, do not forget that its purpose is not only for family recreation, but also for receiving guests. Therefore, you need to focus on both the interior of the room and the color and quality of the carpet. A product with intricate fancy patterns will look harmonious only if there is plain furniture in the living room. It is desirable that the pile of the product be of medium length. It is optimal for regular cleaning, and for creating comfort, and for emphasizing the style of design. In addition, medium pile is resistant to abrasion and easily restores its original shape.

The carpet for the hallway should be selected, first of all, for the owner's practicality. Because it will have to withstand summer dust, and off-season dirt, and wet winter shoes with remnants of anti-icing reagents. Therefore, you should not even think about any delicate and elegant products. At least in the conditions of a moderate climate zone. It is best to choose lint-free rugs - woven or felt or products made of coir. But what you should not do when choosing carpets is to focus on wallpaper, its texture and pattern.

Kurchev Anton Author: Kurchev Anton Deputy Editor-in-Chief