New Year is just around the corner. And that means holidays, fun, entertainment and, of course, tables bursting with delicious food.
Among the many different dishes, there is one that, as experienced people say, must be on the New Year's table without fail.
More precisely, it is not one dish, but a generalized culinary product of a certain type.

We are talking about greens and fresh vegetables. It is desirable that salads (that same general dish) be updated, and not prepared according to ancient recipes, because we are entering a new year.
Experts recommend giving preference to salads that have a lighter, plant-based composition.
They say: the more greenery there is on the New Year's table, the better.
Therefore, it is recommended to put more emphasis on cucumbers, onions, green peppers, lettuce leaves, zucchini, and celery.
Baked fish may well be the main dish.
By the way, you can also put green drinks. In particular, tarragon, green tea with jasmine, mojito.
For reference
A dish (food) is a combination of prepared food products that is culinarily presented in the form of a portion and ready for consumption.